Role of GHSR on the neuronal plasticity in the adult brain
Can GHSR control the connectivity of some neural circuits in the adult brain?

Hypothalamic neurons are known to undergo dramatic morphological remodeling that is critical to ensuring control of homeostasis. Some evidence also suggests that the hypothalamic circuits that control food intake display morphological and functional remodeling under energy deficit or energy surplus conditions. GHSR is highly expressed in the hypothalamic arcuate nucleus (ARH), which is one of the main regulators of food intake. Recently, we have shown that GHSR mediates the remodeling of the orexigenic projections from the ARH to the hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus seen under fasting conditions. Currently, our team is investigating the molecular mechanisms through which GHSR controls the remodeling of the ARH neurons and its implications on other neuronal targets of GHSR.