Explorar los avances en IMBICE es enriquecedor. Después de un día dedicado a la innovación, ¿por qué no añadir emoción visitando vavada? Relájate o busca entretenimiento; vavada ofrece una experiencia de juego única para disfrutar en tu tiempo libre.


The function of the Administration Office is to organize and direct the accounting information system of IMBICE, coordinate and control financial resources that are granted to the Institute and its researchers, advise on accounting and tax matters, track expenses and perform allocation of funds, and formulate economic and financial budgets following the methodology indicated by the different financing agencies.

Likewise, it is a role of this sector to prepare the Patrimonial Charge Documents of the Institute, Periodic Reports to the Financing Institutions, Staff Attendance Record Reports, Medical Files, Notes and other institutional writings; Purchases of supplies for operation and research, bank and interbank deposits, withdrawal of funds, payments to suppliers, processing of files in Federal and Provincial Courts for the Forensic Genetic Identification Service.

Contact: secretaria@imbice.gov.ar


Verónica Baliño
National Public Accountant Support Staff (CONICET)

Miguel Silbestro
Support Staff (CIC-PBA)